Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011

Silence at its worst.

Felt like updating something once in a while. Last weeks have been kinda real boring and silent. Barely talked to anyone, which gets me kinda down, 'cause it just shows that I can't keep in contact with my folks. Has always been like that (so you people I have contact with for about two years now, it's about time ya'll delete me from your list if ya barely talk to me, I'm not worth it anyway) and probably won't change as well. Aside from me being overly dramatic I got a few nice points in my life as well. Got a new puzzle and finished it, some new figures and Manga. DVD's and imported Movie are now in my collection (Mai Otome Complete Collection and Nanoha the MOVIE 1st Limited edition).

My non-existent life keeps on being just that. Not in existence. Nothing to gain, nothing to loose. Hey, why don't I just write the story of my life? That'll be easy, all I have to write is "I Have No Life, Yay!".

Over and out.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ob dus für mich wert bist ist meine Entscheidung und ganz ehrlich, für mich bistes mehr als wert.
    Ich brauch momentan einfach nur etwas Zeit für mich selbst um mich wieder zu fangen. ich bin zwar online und im chat, red aber selten und starr eigentlich mehr den Bildschirm an.

    is einfach alles nicht so einfach für uns beide, schätz ich
